The Milky Way is the galaxy in which we live, it is a spiral galaxy with a bar and has a diameter of about 105,000 light years. It is estimated that it contains approximately 400 billion stars and approximately the same number of planets.
The Milky Way was formed about 13.6 billion years ago. It is currently on a collision course with the Andromeda galaxy. According to scientists, the collision of the two galaxies will occur in approximately 4-5 billion years. Our galaxy is moving at a speed estimated by scientists at 2.1 million kilometers per hour!
In the center of our galaxy there is a supermassive black hole called Saggitarius A*, it has a mass about 4.31 million times greater than our Sun.
Earth is located in the Milky Way galaxy in the Orion arm
The photo shows part of one of the arms of our galaxy (Perseus Arm).