The Sadr region is an area containing many different nebulae around the star Sadr. The star Sadr is visible in the central part of the image as the brightest object.
the distance from the Earth of the star Sadr is 1,780 light years, while the distances of the nebulae visible in the photo are different.
The best time to observe the Sadr region is summer, we can use medium-sized binoculars with a screw-in hydrogen filter.
The star Sadr is a red supergiant and shines 60,000 times brighter than our Sun.
The temperature on the surface of the star Sadr is approximately 5,600 degrees Celsius.
The mass of this star is 14-16 times the mass of our Sun.
In the upper right part of the photo there is the Crescent Nebula (shaped like a bun), which can be seen much closer in the nebula gallery.